Linda Achen, detail of Family Autograph Quilt, 1998-2010
Ornamentum critically addresses the aesthetics, meanings, traditions, and innovations of Canadian material culture in the areas of decorative arts and design for a general audience.
Ornamentum twice yearly, with articles in both French and English written by makers, scholars, collectors, and journalists. A national Editorial Advisory Committee counsels the editorial staff on direction and content. The CSDA/CCAD publishes
Who We Are
The Canadian Society of Decorative Arts/ Cercle canadien des arts décoratifs (CSDA/CCAD) is a national, non-profit organization founded in 1981 for the study, appreciation, and promotion of design and decorative arts in Canada through programming and publications.
Editor Dr. Janna Eggebeen
Online Editor Julia Brucculieri
Circulation/Advertising Gilles Latour
Art Direction and Design
Adams + Associates Design Consultants Inc.
Pre-Press and Printing
Maracle Printing
Editorial Advisory Committee
Chair: Dr. Sarah Alford (AB)
Maegen Black (NB)
Dr. Keith Bresnahan (ON)
Janet Carlile (ON)
Peter Flannery (ON)
Michele Hardy (AB)
Janna Hiemstra (ON)
Dr. Julia Krueger (SK)
Guislaine Lemay (QC)
John Leroux (NB)
José Niaison (ON)
Dr. Laura Sanchini (QC)