Diane Blunt, Frog, 2021. Birch bark biting. Photo: Diane Blunt.
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Ornamenum is published twice yearly by the CSDA/CCAD, with articles in both French and English written by makers, scholars, collectors, and journalists. When you become a CSDA/CCAD member, you not only support Ornamentum, you support the only organization that promotes the broad spectrum of decorative arts, material arts, and design in Canada.
Membership with the CSDA/CCAD connects you with a community of decorative arts appreciators across the country, including collectors, curators, designers, artists/makers, enthusiasts, craft professionals, administrators, educators, and students — all united by a shared interest in material culture and design.
You can find out more about the CSDA/CCAD here, or scroll down to learn about available membership categories.